Simon, Lost Boy #2Creative Director

Simon, Lost Boy #2
Creative Director

Adam, Lost Boy #5Devil's Advocate

Adam, Lost Boy #5
Devil's Advocate

Seth, Lost Boy #14 Assistant Coach

Seth, Lost Boy #14 
Assistant Coach

Emily, Lost Boy #8Voice of Reason

Emily, Lost Boy #8
Voice of Reason

Abel, Lost Boy #18Illegal Counsel

Abel, Lost Boy #18
Illegal Counsel

None of these people were paid-01.png
Sam, Lost Boy #17Femme Fatale

Sam, Lost Boy #17
Femme Fatale

Chaia, Lost Boy #19German Spy 

Chaia, Lost Boy #19
German Spy

Matt, Lost Boy #6 Human Resources

Matt, Lost Boy #6 
Human Resources

Zachary, Lost Boy #7Saliency Control

Zachary, Lost Boy #7
Saliency Control

except in love